Thursday 11 August 2011

Application portfolio construction:

A & J Designs regrets to inform its costumers that all of our current applications have been removed from the AppStore worldwide. The reason behind this sudden withdrawal is that one of our applications has unknowingly infringed copyright. Due to all of our applications being of a similar nature, we believe the best way forward for A & J Designs is to wipe the slate clean and return later this year with a game of our own making. We would like to take this opportunity to apologise to everybody involved, including the customers who have supported us.

Saturday 16 July 2011

Check out our new website!

We at A & J Designs realised our old website didn't do our image any justice. Over various browser updates, our website had become more and more unstable. We knew it was time for an upgrade, so Alex was given the task of making a new website from scratch, whilst Jake continued on our current app work. It took a month, but it is finally ready and can be viewed at the same address as before:

We have tested it on both Mac and Windows and have found no problems. On iOS devices there are a few aesthetic bugs which Alex is currently working on removing. Either way, make sure to check it out and leave us your feedback on how the site could be improved, etc. Thanks.

Monday 6 June 2011

A & J Designs now has Blogger!

We thought it was about time A & J Designs became more social!
One of our plans for this summer is to upgrade the website found at, so we thought having a Blog attached to it, could help get the news out faster!

That's not it for this summer however, we also plan to:
- Update Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Unofficial Guide to 1.5.
- Update Pokemon Black and White Guide to 1.3.
- Update Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver Guide to 2.4.
- Release Animal Crossing Character Guide 1.0.
- Release Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Guide 1.0.

We're also working on an actual game application, which will be called Zoo Breakout, Zoo Break or Zoo-Breaker. We're finding it quite hard to decide the best name, so why don't you help us out in the comments?